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What is mental health?

We all have mental health and a sense of well-being. When we have good mental health we are able to cope with everyday challenges, take care of ourselves and relate well to others.

There are ways to look after our mental health;

  • Build positive relationships
  • Take time for yourself
  • Take time to think about problems
  • Ask for help if you need it
  • Eat and drink well
  • Be active
  • Talk about your feelings
  • Accept who you are
  • Do things you are good at or enjoy
  • Care for others

What might change mental health?

We all experience challenges at various times in our lives. Sometimes we can cope, learn and build our resources and sometimes our resources are not quite enough to cope. On these occasions we might need support. Personal histories, biology, where we live and who we know and the way we think and relate to ourselves, others and the world all influence mental health. One or all of these things can lead us to feel more vulnerable. When feeling vulnerable we might experience mental health problems.

Common mental health problems


The presence of excessive worry about topics, activities and events. Often this type of worrying occurs frequently and feels excessive. When feeling anxious it can be hard to carry out day to day activities and problems might be experienced in relationships. Physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea and racing heart might also be present. Sleep problems can occur.


Depression is characterised by feelings of tiredness, despair and sadness. Motivation levels reduce and there is a sense of being stuck without being able to move forward in life. There is a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities. These changes in activities might then lead to social isolation. Appetite might change, and sleep problems can occur. In cases, feelings of anger can also be experienced.

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